Track List:
- Чужан му
- Туй вылын
- Ме некор ог лок бöр
- Мунöм
- Кулӧм и помтӧмлун
- Прощайте
Another interesting discovery from the north of Komi Republic, this time it's mostly dark ambient with a healthy dose of atmospheric black metal influence (well, that's exactly what I expected of a project inspired by the nature of that region anyway). Surely recommended if you like the aesthetics of "Russian doomer music" but wan't something based less in post-punk and more in BM/dark ambient.
Named after one of suburbs of Vorkuta, Vorgashor actually comes from Pechora (which isn't as far to the north as Vorkuta), and have released 4 albums to this day. This album contains "6 songs of unrequited love for the motherland", as described by the project, and it's the first one with all track names (except for the last one) in Komi language. All tracks are instrumental but contain samples of a Komi folk song, an old Soviet song by Mark Bernes, and a lecture by an occult writer and philosopher Evgeny Golovin. Along with the rest of Vorgashor discography, it was released on cassettes by a St. Peterburg-based post-industrial label Aphotic Gaze.
P.S. There apparently was a problem with the contact form on my blog, due to which I haven't received any messages during the time I wasn't posting on here. It's fixed now.